Thursday, February 27, 2014





   The mind of the world and of western Christianity to which we are exposed is not conducive to a beneficial the Forty Day Fast of the  Orthodox Church, so we need to separate ideas of Orthodoxy from the ideas of secular Christianity which have nothing in common.  The secular Protestants twist the Gospel as they follow their own opinions. Many  proclaim that they are saved by faith alone, and that this is what the Bible says,  and they are correct – but so wrong about their conclusions!  Their wrong ideas have crept in among many of our own Orthodox, and influenced by them,  they also can have the wrong ideas about our Faith. 

   For example, while they do not keep the fasts, we see the Great Forty Days Fast coming upon us and this fast is an important distinguishing mark of Orthodox Christians worldwide. Orthodoxy keeps Wednesday and Fridays, and four fasts a year, and a few other days as fasting periods, which constitutes about half the year. It is a major part of the Orthodox Christian way of life, and is most healthy for the soul and the body. The fast teaches us moderation and temperance, which possibly extends lives, and for sure nourishes good health, not only of the body, but it certainly leads us to everlasting reward in the kingdom  of the future! The benefits are enormous, the investment procures riches above all wealth and moderation we learn,  produces contentment and good health of body and soul, which in turn reduces medical expenses. Protestants do not keep the fasts, disregarding the many references in the Bible,  and  many Orthodox,  fail to keep the fasts, depriving themselves of  the important benefits of Orthodox fasting to their bodies and souls.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014




Papal authority is not just faith and morals but everything! 

Only total submission to the Pope – nothing less!

      “If anyone say that the Pope has only the office of over-seer or of manager,  but not the full and supreme rulership of sovereignty over the whole Church,  not only in matters of faith and morals,  but also in the matters of discipline and of government of the Church throughout the world . . . let him be anathema.” (Vatican Council 1870). 

These words from the Papacy about the Papacy are proof positive that it is not the Church of Christ, but the source of supreme arrogance.

      In 1964 the unfortunate Latin-minded, Patriarch Athenagoras,  having first abandoned his own Orthodoxy, then  proceeding without authority,  he “lifted the anathemas”  against the papacy.   However it was an empty gesture, because as Patriarch he is not the Church.  No single patriarch represents the Church, for this is exactly what caused the Papacy to abandon the true Church.   Neither can anathemas  be lifted because they always are in force and permanent. They are issued against heresy and wrong belief.   A person under an Orthodox anathema can correct himself and come out from under the anathema, but the anathema remains permanently.  The papacy clearly shows its fraudulent intentions, for they cannot  lift their own anathemas against the  Orthodox, being outside of the authority of the Pope and the cardinals. They are indelibly inscribed in their canons as will be shown in what follows.

  The following anathemas, formulated by the Pope of Rome  and the papacy remain in  effect against all Christians of the world who refuse to commemorate, recognize, and submit to the authority and discipline of the Pope of Rome being Christ’s infallible vicar.

  In the year 1870, (Vatican Council)  the Pope of Rome declared an anathema against everyone outside of the Papacy. That is, it was directed   against anyone  who refused to accept the Pope as  Supreme Pontiff,  infallible Head of the Church, the only successor of Peter and the Vicar of Christ.  

Sunday, February 23, 2014



    The great season of the Fast is rapidly approaching,  and it is a good time to take stock of who we are, where we are, where we are going,  and what our task ought to be during a special period like this. We need to act, for the Great Fast goes by quickly and Pascha awaits us at the end. The Resurrection of Christ, in which we all rejoice and celebrate we need to make our own. Christ showed by His example, that the way of the Cross leads to the resurrection.

   Man was created in the image of God, with the potential of acquiring  the likeness of God as well. This in fact,  is the true destiny of man, to become like Christ, the image and likeness of God. For this reason Christ came into the world, not just to save man but to restore the fallen image who had rebelled, wash him to make him whiter than snow, and raise him up to heaven forever.  Christ commands: “Be holy for I am holy.” And, “Be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect.” This is the reason why we are given a certain number of years on earth, to enter the struggle and cooperate with God and each other to become what we are meant to be. There is nothing more wonderful, more glorious, or delightful in this world,  than to enter the mildly ascetic type of life that is called Orthodox Christian. It is accessible to all but needs to be preached in the churches over and over. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

WHAT IS AN IDEA? Witnessing our Holy Orthodox Truths

Witnessing our Holy Orthodox Truths

“An idea is any conception that exists in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity.” * Phrases commonly in use: “Give me a general idea of what happened.”  “What was the idea of that?”   “I have no idea.”  
  * Random House Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1997)

Christ is the Perfect Logos and Idea of the Father
     An idea of a being (anybody or anything that exists) necessarily presupposes the existence of the being in question; accordingly it may be said that if there were no other beings neither would there be any ideas in our spirits. Hence it is logically evident that every idea depends upon the actual existence of a being of which it is an idea. Having the idea of a being makes it possible to describe its nature, and we perform this process in our minds every day. 

     The declaration saying, “I have no idea of who he is,” demonstrates ignorance or non-existence of somebody or something. Having an idea of something demonstrates the reality which our idea represents. It is not possible for anyone to have an idea of some thing, some place or some activity that has no being or existence. To have an idea of anything  proves that it exists. In the books of the Acts of the Apostles, Paul met some disciples and asked: “Have you received Holy Spirit since you believed?  And they said to him, We have not so much as heard whether there be a Holy Spirit” Acts:19:2) The answer shows that, because of ignorance, they had no idea whether or not there was a Holy Spirit, but after they were baptized they did  receive Holy Spirit, however the idea of the Holy Spirit entered their minds and spirits with the question raised by St. Paul.


   There is an ongoing war, inspired by the Devil. to kill God, for the Evil one does  not doubt that God exists, for he is terrified of Him, knowing that God is the  invincible Creator of all, and that his own torment is certain to come. So it is not God that he seeks to kill, but the idea of God in the minds of all mankind, especially in the minds of children, whom the Evil One seeks to corrupt and suffer with him in torment.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014



Death is swallowed up in victory!
Death where is your sting Hades where is your victory!”

 Man’s life cannot be filled with absolute happiness, unless he first solves the problem of death, which threatens everyone of us, hanging over our heads like a giant sword.  We can acquire  a  wonderful job; we can start a profitable business, or begin a good career; we can marry a desirable mate and have healthy children. We can be enabled to purchase means of transportation and a house in which to live, and start a family,  and finally hope to be happy.  But death, directly or indirectly awaits and threatens our happiness. Death does not discriminate between rich or poor or single or married, young or old, for it threatens all and remains unpredictable.  If we could solve the problem of death, and rid ourselves even of the thought, then true happiness would overflow our soul, and the sword will vanish as a threat.`

 The great Moses freed the Jews from the tyrannical grip of Pharaoh, led them through the wilderness, established for them a covenant with God at Mt. Sinai, where the law was given, including the ten commandments. Moses was described as the meekest among men, and he loved and served God, and with constant love for  his people, when they proved to be ingrates,  he interceded with God  to spare them. Moses also firmly told the Jews that the Lord God would send them  the Messiah /Christ, and sternly warned that anyone who rejected him, would be cast out from among the people.

Christ came, just as Moses had prophesied, born of the Virgin just as Isaiah had prophesied,  and although being God, He accepted to humble himself and  became man.  He entered the world of men, whom He created,  and preached the good news that He is the Redeemer and Savior of the world. Whoever believes and accepts Him as Christ the Son of God, will gain eternal life. Those who will not receive Him and die in their sins will be separated from God forever, and be “cast into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” His main objective was to set himself as an example for all men, showing them how to live their lives in peace and love -- how to become the image and likeness of God. What He is what we must become, holy and perfect. “Learn from me for I am meek and humble in my heart.”  He told His disciples many times that He would be put to death, assuring them that He would then rise from the dead on the third day. And it is in this wonderful work of Christ that we are assured of permanent happiness for ever!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014



  Shame on those who degrade the importance of the Rudder for it is destructive to Orthodoxy. Without the Rudder, the Orthodox will evolve into  Protestants, each choosing what he wishes to believe.  Only Holy Scripture is before the Rudder, and both are a part of our written Tradition. We selected some Canon handed down to us from the Holy Apostles, who firmly warn us not to ignore these Canons. These are taken from the Rudder, and it easily seen that they deal with everyday matters, forbidding some things, and allowing some things.The Canons are a most vital part of Orthodox Written Tradition.



Two or three other Bishops are needed to ordain a Bishop.

A Priest must be ordained by a single Bishop, and so must a Deacon and other Clergymen.


A Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon must not undertake worldly cares. If he does, let him be deposed.


If any Bishop, or Priest, or Deacon celebrate the holy day of Pascha before the vernal equinox with the Jews, let him be deposed.


All those faithful who enter and listen to the Scriptures, but do not stay for prayer and Holy Communion must be excommunicated, on the ground that they are causing the Church a breach of order.


One who prays with the excommunicant, shall himself be excommunicated.


A clergyman who prays in company with a deposed clergyman shall\ also be deposed.

Monday, February 10, 2014



     This ship symbolizes the Catholic Church of Christ. Its keel represents the Orthodox Faith in the Holy Trinity. Its beams and planks represent the dogmas and traditions of the Faith. Its mast represents the Cross; its sail and rigging represent Hope and Love. The Master of the vessel is our Lord Jesus Christ, whose hand is on the helm. The mates and sailors are the Apostles, and the successors of the Apostles, and all clergymen, secretaries and notaries, and occasional teachers. The passengers comprise all Orthodox Christians. The sea symbolizes present life. A gentle and zephyr-like breeze signifies whiffs and graces of the Holy Spirit wafting the vessel on its course. Winds, on the other hand, are temptations baffling it. Its Rudder, whereby it is steered straightforwardly to the heavenly harbor is the present Book of the Holy Canons.

    Note that divine Chrysostom also likens the Church to a ship (see Volume VI, page 426, line 10, and Volume VII, page 502, line 20 of the Etonian edition).

   The Rudder of the Orthodox Catholic Church is the second most important written source of Holy Tradition, that preserves the essence of our Faith. It is a treasure to all of us, but is sadly a hidden treasure, which is next to the Holy Scripture in importance, and in rank.  Both the Scripture and the Rudder are inspired by God.  The difference being that the Holy Scripture writings of individuals, are directly inspired and therefore infallible. The Seven Ecumenical Synods, which approved all of the Canons in the Rudder, were collectively inspired by God, not the opinion of each father present.  Note: the Rudder contents are available for your use on this blog.

   These sacred Canons are ignored by many, even though they are vital for the preservation of our Faith.  Without its Rudder, the Church drifts into turbulent waters with no one in charge, leaving the faithful in danger.

St.Nicodemos, Compliler of 
The Rudder

   St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite together with Agapios a monk, spent countless years in compiling the Rudder, and making it available. We produced the English translation that is on this blog. It is not their composition for the contents have been handed down to us from the ages, which they collected and compiled.St. Nicodemos did do something very important in presenting his interpretations, which  you will find are useful and helpful. The first 85 Canons of the Rudder are from the Holy Apostles which dates back to right after the next period after Christ. 

   Some scorners of the Sacred Canons, quote, then contradict a few of them, and in doing so, heap scorn upon them all. Going to Church on Sunday is not enough, for there is much more to Christian life, which the Rudder will help you to understand. Select what you require and what interests you. The Rudder is for the  functioning of the entire Church, covering most everything, as you can see by the partial list below.Without knowledge of the sacred Canons, it is not easy to understand the what and why and how of everyday Christian life, especially for members of the laity, which always do not educate themselves into the glory and truth of Orthodoxy, which is not just a religion, but the revelation from heaven, the Holy Church, the Body of Christ.

The following words are contained the Rudder and speak of it very sternly.

“That the divine Canons must be kept strictly by all. For those who fail to keep them are made liable to horrible penalties.”

     “These instructions regarding Canons have been enjoined upon you by us, O Bishops. If you adhere to them you shall be saved, and shall have peace; but, if you disobey them, you shall be punished, and shall have perpetual war with one another, thus paying the penalty deserved for heedlessness.” 
(The Apostles in their epilogue to the Canons)

   That the sacred Canons should be studied and understood according to our ability, can readily be seen by the subject matter, which concerns everyday life. If you just peruse through this wonderful guide of the Church and its members, it is the Church's Rudder, you will see how precious and valuable it is. True happiness will never be found in this world, unless we have God as our Father and the Church as our Mother. 

A small fraction of the contents

What marriages are allowed/forbidden
Who can become a Bishop
Who can be ordained Priest
Fasts; how to be kept
Killing during war
Who can sponsor a child at Baptism
God’s action in His Church
Who can be sponsor at a wedding
Holy Communion the benefits/dangers
Vows that are permissible/forbidden
When fasting is forbidden
What is a schism
What heresy is
Mysteries outside the Church
Orthodox baptism not repeatable
Regarding Holy Communion
How we “die” in Baptism
The blessing of holy icons
Weddings forbidden during fasts
Duties of husbands and wives toward each other
Seizing a woman by force
Clergyman’s mysteries valid unless deposed
Oaths are forbidden
Who can be ordained
Not “original sin” but “propotorical sin”
No Church outside Orthodoxy 
Parents – if child dies
Perjury– very serious sin

On this blog, Click on the Rudder to view its contents.

Saturday, February 8, 2014



“Behold, I am with you to the close of the age.”

St. Gregentius, Bishop of Zafar in Southern Arabia (Yemen) 

  The wonderful and magnificent Saint Gregentius came from the city of Milan, and flourished after  the year 518. Form his earliest age he fully devoted himself to Christ, whom he loved  deeply, and always strived to keep all His commandments and to remain faithful in everything.  After being ordained to the diaconate, he devoted himself even more to an ascetic life of prayer and fasting with the acquisition all the virtues, especially faith, hope and love.

    Gregentius went to visit a certain spiritual elder, who told his disciple that he was coming and what would become of him. He told him that Gregentius who was now a deacon but would become a holy Bishop and bring thousands of Jews to Christ. 

    Another holy elder, whom Gregentius saw on a fiery pillar in midair, told him what was his future would be.  He told him that he would go to Rome and worship at the church of Boniface and Aglais, and then take ship to Alexandria to stay for some time, and then will be called to Southern Arabia to the land of the Homerites, and  will become bishop of that city. In the meantime he catechized and baptized multitudes of people.  When he arrived among the Homerites, there  were thousands of Jews in the area who held firmly to their error and doing everything they were able, to rid the area of Christians.

     Gregentius, his whole heart filled with love for God, desired to bring all the Jews out of darkness and  error into the light of Christ their Messiah. His sphere of influence spread far and wide, not only in one city but in surrounding areas because of his beautiful soul, peaceful attitude and love of preaching and baptizing people in Christ. Peter, Paul and Mark the Apostle at one time appeared to him, and strengthened him, and demonstrated that Gregentius would be ordained bishop

    Gregentius lived and breathed the truths and essence of Orthodoxy. His  zeal like fiery flames ignited  in other souls from the overflow of his exultation and the joy in his soul. He conducted his ministry with ardent faith, as he energetically instructed, supported and continually prayed for his flock. He  never stopped attempting, with all his power, to bring the hardhearted Jews to faith in Christ and to correct thinking, and in these endeavors he was somewhat successful. From among the faithful, he ordained those who were worthy to enter the clergy as he industriously built up the Church. He also composed laws for them to live and act as Christian citizens.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014



     “He set Him on His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all authority, power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and has put all things under His feet; and gave him to be the Head of the Church which is His body” (Eph. 1:20-23).

      Headless humanity is given a Head in the Lord Jesus, risen from the dead.  The body severed from the head, begins to knit together with that Head, bit by bit and part by part. Not all men are the body, but only those who respond are received under the Head. Those who respond compose the Body that is called the Church, of which the Lord is the Head.  But as the risen and glorified man Jesus is exalted within the Holy Trinity above each and all on earth and in heaven, so also will His Church, His Body, be raised up to its Head, above each and all. The whole Church will stand at the right hand of the Holy Trinity, for, where the head is, there is also the body.  

     To such an exaltation, greatness and glory will the gathered repentant sinners attain, who had sometimes been enemies of God, wandering astray like the Prodigal Son and headless as a dead body. But now adopted through Christ and for Christ, and clad in the beauty of divine life and light.  It is a great thing my brethren for the Son of God to be incarnate on earth, and for Him to suffer on the Cross and die for our sake.  His sojourn on earth brought a vast change in the destiny of man and in the meaning of all created things.  He changed all things, and made them new. Therefore, my brethren, let us not live and conduct ourselves as the old man, but as the new; let us not live in sin but in justice; let us not conduct ourselves according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Let us merit the exaltation, greatness and glory to which we are called by our Head.  (Prologue of Ochrid, Vol 4 pp 165-166)


Monday, February 3, 2014



     St. Ammon of Nitria was living in the Nitrian desert, and had acquired the  gift of discernment and insight and became a wonder-worker. A man and his wife came to him with their insane son, seeking his help to cure their son by his prayers, but he would not do this. He told them that “the illness of your son is in your own hands. Return to the widow the ox that was stolen from her and your son will be healed.” They promised him that they would do as he said. 

   Our Lord took a small child and placing him among His disciples, said: “Whoever shall humble himself like this child, he is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 18:4). This same child grew up and became the Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer of Antioch, who was called Godbearer because he always carried the name of the Lord in his heart and on his lips. A supernatural wonder  took place at Ignatius’ martyrdom where he was devoured by wild beasts. Only his bones werer left and his heart. A Roman soldier cut it open and they found inscribed in gold, JESUS CHRIST.

   During the Isaurian  dynasty (717 - 802), in the reign of Byzantine Emperor Leo the Isaurian, a  continuous and terrifying earthquake was rattling the great city of Constantinople. Many people began to pray to the Theotokos and St. Demetrios. Then, realizing that the earthquake was a chastisement for their sins with sincere  repentance and tears  they entreated God, who showed His  mercy and the earthquake ended because of their prayers.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have mercy upon us.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have mercy upon us.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have mercy upon us.

During another severe earthquake in Constantinople and the surrounding area, many of its building fell, among them were the most beautiful, and lives were in constant danger, causing the populace to  be filled with fear. The Emperor and Patriarch, many bishops, priests, led the people, and were making  numerous processions, entreating the Lord for relief, for this quake was long and severe. People were afraid to go into buildings, and many had gathered at the shore, away from structures.

   As they were offering heartfelt and tearful prayers, a small boy was wondrously taken up from them into the air and disappeared into the heavens,  becoming invisible to the eyes of the people.  Later he returned and landed gently on the ground. When they asked him where he had been, he said with the angels, and this is what they sang: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have mercy upon us. When the procession resumed they all sang this hymn glorifying the Holy Trinity and the earthquake immediately stopped! St. John Chrysostom’s disciple Proclus, after  becoming Archbishop of Constantinople, placed the Trisagion hymn in the Divine Liturgy.

   We hear from Church hymns of  the three servants, who were thrown into the roaring furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar, after refusing to bow down to his idol. They were singing hymns in the midst of the flames, and  were delivered unharmed, without smelling of smoke or fire.  Daniel who was in captivity with them in Babylon, was left to die in a lion’s den with seven lions. The Prophet Habakkuk was far away from Babylon, for  he did not get taken in the captivity.   Having prepared a meal with bread, the prophet was walking toward the fields to bring it as dinner for his laborers who were reaping.  At that time an angel of the Lord said to Habakkuk:  “Take this dinner that you have fixed to Daniel in Babylon, who is in the lion’s den.”  The prophet protested that he never had seen Babylon and did not know the location of the lion’s den. The angel took up Habakkuk and carrying him by his hair and brought him to the den where Daniel was.  Then Habakkuk cried out: “Daniel, take this dinner which the Lord has sent you.” Daniel said to the Lord: “You have remembered me O God, for you do not forsake those who seek you and love you." Daniel did eat and the angel brought Habakkuk back home. In his written prophecies,  Habakkuk,  foretells the coming of Christ and His incarnation, the Holy Apostles, the Cross and the Ascension, and that “the just shall live by faith in me.” Of Christ, “You went forth for the salvation of your people, to save your anointed ones (Hab.2:13)