The Orthodox Church honors with great exaltation and glory the Holy Virgin Theotokos because she is beloved, and having willingly contributed everything, especially her Son for our salvation. The Church has always praises her ascetic and hesychastic life in the temple from three years of age to puberty. She never committed any sin nor did she ever stray from the Lord’s commandments, for she was sinless in all her actions. However, we do not attempt to honor her popishly with false declarations regarding her birth, for she was born from a father and mother as all men are born, not without sin as the Popes falsely dogmatized. It is through birthgiving that the propatorical (not original) sin is transmitted from generation to generation. The only one who did not inherit the propatorical sin was Jesus Christ, for He was born without seed of man. However it is a fact that the Virgin’s father is Joachim. Whom no one can deny, carried the propatorical sin. The Church has never dogmatized or considered her to have been conceived without sin like her Son Jesus Christ, the only sinless one, for she was born naturally of Joachim and Anna whom God had joined together in matrimony, and He gave them Mary as an only child in their elderly years, and they in turn gave her to God according to their vow.
The Roman Catholic Church before it tumbled into the papacy never dogmatized that the Virgin Mary was sinless, and even after it became the papacy, all the way to the year 1853 they never claimed that Mary was conceived of Anna sinlessly. Yet they did this in 1854. Not knowing what they were doing, they declared her to be freed of original sin while in her mother’s womb, with the fabricated claim that this was a doctrine revealed by God. This took place during the reign of Pope Pius IX, the same Pope who through clever manipulation established another papal dogma, that popes were infallible. Both of these dogmas are not Christian but papal for they are untrue..