The Holy Orthodox Church founded by Christ has existed and preserved pure Christianity from generation to generation and from century to century. While the Church has zealously preserved without change the doctrine it received, some members with a corrupted doctrine and established their own churches known as heresies. They were known as heretics because itmeans in Greek “having an opinion.” (Different than the Church)
Numerous attacks were waged against Christ’s Church by every type of heresy, seeking to corrupt from within the Church’s infallible teaching. Opponents and defenders appeared and waged battle against one another, but the Orthodox or true worshipers did not choose unjust means, but championed the truth as handed down to them from Christ and the Apostles. To mention only a few heresies there were, Adoptionism, Apollinarism, Arianism, Docetism, Luciferianism, Monophystism, Nestorianism and Gnosticism. These heresies corrupted the truth about Jesus Christ the God-man. They attacked his divinity and humanity, his nature and life as both God and man.
The most widespread heresy in our time is the Papacy, also called the Roman Catholic Church, which usurped the authority of Christ and the Holy Spirit by establishing a new head, a super bishop the infallible Pope. The Protestants broke away from the Papacy and later divided and subdivided, serving to show that they were not a divine and human institution as is the true Orthodox Church of Christ which never divides, but remains one. They do not have Christ as their head and divine guide as does the true Church where Christ is both divine and human and His Body the Church is the same and will never corrupt the truth but will preserve it forever.
Christ clearly stated that the gates of hades would not prevail against His Church and they have not, but their attack continues and will continue. Repetition of old heresies is one of the most common forms of attack among belligerents, and such are the Jehovah Witnesses which sprang up in the USA in the year 1874. It is important to note that the evil one is always behind the action. Thus though sects arise and declare their new beliefs, their aim in not at the many other false beliefs but is aimed at the doctrine of the true Church.