Death is swallowed up in victory!
Death where is your sting Hades where is your victory!”
Man’s life cannot be filled with absolute happiness, unless he first solves the problem of death, which threatens everyone of us, hanging over our heads like a giant sword. We can acquire a wonderful job; we can start a profitable business, or begin a good career; we can marry a desirable mate and have healthy children. We can be enabled to purchase means of transportation and a house in which to live, and start a family, and finally hope to be happy. But death, directly or indirectly awaits and threatens our happiness. Death does not discriminate between rich or poor or single or married, young or old, for it threatens all and remains unpredictable. If we could solve the problem of death, and rid ourselves even of the thought, then true happiness would overflow our soul, and the sword will vanish as a threat.`
The great Moses freed the Jews from the tyrannical grip of Pharaoh, led them through the wilderness, established for them a covenant with God at Mt. Sinai, where the law was given, including the ten commandments. Moses was described as the meekest among men, and he loved and served God, and with constant love for his people, when they proved to be ingrates, he interceded with God to spare them. Moses also firmly told the Jews that the Lord God would send them the Messiah /Christ, and sternly warned that anyone who rejected him, would be cast out from among the people.
Christ came, just as Moses had prophesied, born of the Virgin just as Isaiah had prophesied, and although being God, He accepted to humble himself and became man. He entered the world of men, whom He created, and preached the good news that He is the Redeemer and Savior of the world. Whoever believes and accepts Him as Christ the Son of God, will gain eternal life. Those who will not receive Him and die in their sins will be separated from God forever, and be “cast into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” His main objective was to set himself as an example for all men, showing them how to live their lives in peace and love -- how to become the image and likeness of God. What He is what we must become, holy and perfect. “Learn from me for I am meek and humble in my heart.” He told His disciples many times that He would be put to death, assuring them that He would then rise from the dead on the third day. And it is in this wonderful work of Christ that we are assured of permanent happiness for ever!