Tuesday, April 2, 2013



      Absolute truth, when acquired, guarantees each of us certain freedom. Ordinary ethical or moral truths are studied and analyzed by many, some seeking truth in religions, others question the existence of truth, or embrace falsehood masquerading as truth, such as, there is no God; man came from a monkey, or there is no life after death. But among the many pursuits of truth, none of them satisfy what man unknowingly yearns – which is absolute truth. But this must be sought for, as the Lord taught: "Ask and it shall be given to you . . ." For the acquisition of absolute truth available to us, brings with it ``` perpetual happiness, certain freedom and lasting liberation. That is why our Lord says: "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free." Our Lord speaks of himself for He is the absolute living Truth.

       Truth is defined as the exact representation of a being, while the opposing lie is the misrepresentation of a being. A being includes anything that exists, from the smallest fraction of a grain of sand to the whole of creation, from an invisible germ to the true God, who alone bears the title, The Being or the One who exists.