Friday, April 12, 2013




"There is no heaven; it's a fairy story."

Stephen Hawking:

 Stephen Hawkings, greatly renowned for his work on black holes and expertise on the origin of the cosmos, asserts that if one understands how the universe works, you control it in a way. That space exploration is the key to saving humanity, and warns that humans may not survive another thousand years! This makes him into not only a great genius regarding the origin of the cosmos, but also a prophet of the end of the cosmos! But do his conclusions have even the slightest value to human race and is he a true prophet whom we ought to believe?
     The Lord says: "The fool says in his heart, there is no God." It is really unfortunate that the world considers men of Hawkings caliber of "extreme intellect and wisdom" as their mentors and guides, even though the Lord addresses them as fools. Astoundingly, Stephen Hawkings professes that he has some understanding of the universe, which is arrogant, for he shows that he doesn’t have a clue about the purpose of creation. How can he possibly know the mind of the Creator, when he denies His existence? He raises the question about creation as to what, but not who is behind everything that exists. Who created it? Why did He create it? Who is man? What is man’s final purpose and destination? These are critical questions, the answers being filled

with good news for humanity. What value is knowledge of a black hole, or how the universe began? Can such knowledge contribute to man’s well-being and happiness? Can such knowledge endow man with faith, hope and love?
      Man cannot create something from nothing, and it is obvious that everything that exists is created and has a relative cause. God, who is the Absolute Cause is of infinite intelligence, possessing power equal to His will, being the glorious Creator who made matter from nothing, and then the entire cosmos with a definitely stated final purpose. His infinite wisdom, knowledge and glory is far beyond the slightest comparison to the entire human race, for He is the source of all human knowledge. That this is so, is demonstrated by man’s many activities, constant curiosity to understand things beyond his understanding. He uses his small intellect, studying, analyzing, and examining ever so carefully . Some men devote their entire lives in the attempt to partially understand and unlock a few of the hidden mysteries of the universe. Of much greater value would be to study and learn from God what man’s purpose is, for this directly affects each of us personally. What is our purpose and final destination? Why do we exist? Is it to just live and die? This knowledge is not attainable except with an expert infallible teacher and guide, who is He who created man in His own image. Our Father in heaven sent the Prophets to teach His people, then beyond any expectation, He sent His own beloved Son, to save the world, to raise up mankind to their proper destination .He is a living example of what all men must become. "Behold the man!" Jesus Christ, the perfect man in the image and likeness of God! Then the great mystery, the astounding event that caused the earth to quake and the sun to hide its rays! Beholding in astonishment, the perfect image and likeness of God, who is both God and man, sacrificed on the Cross! But joy of joys, Hopes beyond all expectation! On the third day He arose in His glorious Resurrection! Pashca, O Pashca, ransom from all sorrows! Pascha of the faithful, for as Christ arose from the dead we too shall also arise.
     We wish a blessing for Stephen Hawking, we wish him this faith which the poor man lacks, causing him to denounce subjects of which he is totally ignorant – faith, hope and love, which he brands as "fairy tales." But to his morbid ideas, we cry out with a loud voice: O Stephen Hawkings, Greatest of scientists! You offer mankind pessimism, but we offer optimism! You offer mankind misery and a miserable end, but we offer happiness and a blessed end! You offer mankind death after life, but we are offering life after death! You practically guarantee mankind’s disaster in a thousand years, but we offer mankind’s genuine happiness, not for a thousand years but without end in everlasting life! Your ideas are hideous and ugly, while Christ’s enlightens our minds to beauty and holiness, peace and joy.
     However, Stephen Hawking’s ideas are not slightly benevolent, nor is he a philanthropist, for he waxes malignant and effectively wages war against the Father who sent us His Son, the Son who came into the world, who sent us the Spirit. Effectively he mocks the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross as being nothing but "fairy tale." For he says that belief that heaven or an afterlife awaits us is a "fairy tale only for people who are afraid of death." Here are his words: "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. He adds: There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."

     Stephen Hawkings lives in a black hole of spiritual darkness, spreading his darkness amongst all people. But Jesus Christ is the source of moral light, and is the Light of the world. While darkness leaves man miserable, light fills his heart with joy. The moment we disregard the Creator in the equation we sink into the black holy of utter ignorance and folly. Denying the Creator is a great insult to Him, and those who do so, sadly seal their own fate to remain in the gloomy black hole of ignorance. This is not a debatable subject. Our Lord says: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." He is the Living Truth who came down from heaven. The words of the Lord are not refutable their intent is meant for accepting or rejecting, believing or disbelieving, as free men decide. Men are not forced nor can they be, for God created man remains free to do as he wills. The true Faith offers with love its heavenly treasure to everyone, but it remains an offer, for if it were forced, it would be shown to be false.
     Stephen Hawking offers dire warnings for humanity! But, Jesus Christ, the Godman, already gave dire warnings for humanity 2,000 years ago: "Unless you repent you shall also perish." Hawking predicts the possibility that humanity may not last another thousand years, but our Lord says that mankind will live beyond this life in the resurrection, for the soul of man can never die. He warns that we will be resurrected, according to our choice, either to eternal life or to eternal torment. "He shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead." There is no greater possible torment than to be totally separated from divine love and the only Lover of Man, our Lord Jesus Christ! It is important to heed the precautions, for to be separated from God is to suffer the worst of torments, and these often begin in this world.
     Materialism begets misery for man is not destined to live for pleasure alone. Materialism foments the constant search for fleshly pleasures and delights of the mind, ignoring the spirit within, which leaves a person spiritually destitute and impoverished. When pleasure-seeking becomes excessive, it can lead to many sicknesses which may bring on early death. Pleasure of eating leads to gluttony and obesity. Love of wine leads to drunkenness and debauchery. Love of sexual pleasure leads to every sexual excess and deviation. Love of money which the Lord describes as the root of all evil, causes insurrections, wars, and crimes of every description. Love of money begets prostitution and recreational drugs, cheating and theft, robbery and hatred of the poor, and knows no satiety. It also begets dishonest government and educational systems – it corrupts society.
     The love we can make available in our souls is not meant for matter, but for the living God, who out of love created us. It is meant as a sacred love, a sacrificial love, it is also meant to be between husbands, wive, children, and all mankind. But the greatest love should ascend to our Creator and God, who is worthy of our total love. God loves man and did not create the soul for death, but He breathed His own life into the first man and into all of us. It is the Evil One who breathes his foul spirit of death into man, by inspiring Him to sin and transgress commandments, and to remain without in unbelief. The Lord freely gives intellect to every man, no one being left out. "He is the true light who lightens every man who comes into the world." Thus the soul of a man can never die, and permanently recorded in the book of our soul’s conscience are all the deeds we have ever done. They will bear witness for or against us, and this record cannot be erased. However, to our delight, the guilt feelings from our many evils deeds, are erased and eliminated in the waters of Holy Baptism.
      Without faith in Jesus Christ, a man is poverty stricken and wretched. He cannot experience true joy and satisfaction in his soul. With faith in Jesus Christ, martyrs willingly and enthusiastically suffer every torment, as they are blinded, skinned alive, burned in flames, drowned, roasted in red hot iron oxen, starved, stabbed with swords, members are cut off, and they joyfully suffer these things out of love for the Lord. They understand well that He went through these torments first and set a good example, for every sacrifice for Christ demonstrates leads to joy in the kingdom of heaven.
     There is a price to pay for everything, and we cannot escape that price. It pays to sin. But "the wages of sin is death." Let us examine carefully the fruits of believing and following the Hawking’s camp, and then the fruits of believing and following Christ and His Church. Hawking is among the materialists, who proclaim that there is nothing else but matter. If as they claim, there is only matter and no God, then it follows that there is no divine law. If there is no divine law, then there is no sin. If there is no sin, then there is no judgment, and if there is no judgment, there is no judge. Finally if there is no Judge, then Christ is seen as a false prophet who deserved to be killed and we are shown to be fools who place our hope in the Godman. Belief in matter alone strips man of all dignity and renders him into a mindless beast. Note that  all of man's thoughts, ideas, plans and prayers, being immeasurable, are spiritual and not matter.
     Rejecting Hawking’s ideas, with fervent faith we hope in the Son of God, who came down from heaven and became a man for our sake, we glorify and exalt Him! When He declares: "I am the bread which came down from heaven, we rejoice to eat that bread! When He says: "Whoever believes in me shall never die", we know for certain that we shall live forever in everlasting joy and bliss. We know that no one can deprive us of our joy. So with great joy and glorious exultation we sing on Pascha:
"Christ is risen from the dead; trampling down death by death; and upon those in the tomb, bestowing life!"

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