Saturday, May 24, 2014




Do not be blinded by their nice attitude!

Beneath the hypocrisy is the truth of the papacy

Papal Dogmas include not faith and morals but submission!

      “If anyone say that the Pope has only the office of over-seer or of manager,  but not the full and  supreme authority of sovereignty over the whole Church, not only in matters of faith and morals,  but also in the matters of discipline and of government of the Church throughout the world . . . let him be anathema.” (Vatican Council 1870)

      In 1964 the Latin-minded, Patriarch Athenagoras surrendered his own Orthodoxy, and  proceeding without authority,  he “lifted the anathemas”  against the papacy.  This was an empty gesture only for publicity, 1. because a Patriarch is not the Church.  No patriarch represents the whole Church.  2. Anathemas can never be lifted because they are always  permanent. They are issued against a heresy and wrong belief., which always remains a heresy and wrong belief A person under an anathema can reject his heresy and return to the Church, coming out from under the anathema which remains irrevocable. The papacy clearly shows its fraudulent intentions, for they know that they can never  lift their own permanent anathemas against the  Orthodox, for it beyond their authority.

  These anathemas issued by the Popes of Rome always remain in effect against all Christians of the world who refuse to commemorate, recognize, and submit to the authority of the Pope of Rome who fancies himself to be Christ’s infallible vicar.

   In the year 1870, (Vatican Council 1)  the Pope of Rome declared an anathema against everyone outside of the Papacy. That is, against anyone  who did not accept the Pope as the Supreme Pontiff, and infallible Head of the Church,  successor of Peter and Vicar of Christ.  They declared the Pope to be judge over everyone, but he cannot be judged by any man,  for they imagine  the Pope alone among men is being infallible.  The following dogmas of the Roman Church which remain are  unlifted anathemas against all Orthodox Christians. Assuredly they can never  revoke them, these dogmas being the entire foundation of the papacy which hold it up, and without these dogmas  the Roman papacy would collapse, and  fall into a crumbling  heap.

These are The Official Dogmas and Anathemas of 1870
They remain in force as long as the papacy exists.

   “ When the Roman Pontiff speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals . . .  as pastor and teacher of all Christians . . . he possesses the divine assistance promised to him and blessed Peter, that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer redeemed His Church. If any one shall presume to contradict this our definition,  let him be anathema.”

   “If anyone say that the Apostle Peter was not appointed by Christ as the first and chief of the Apostles,  and visible head of the Church militant,  or that he received immediately and directly from Christ only honorary primacy,  but not the primacy of truth and essential jurisdiction,  let him be anathema.”

   “If anyone say that Peter does not have continual successors in accordance with the ordinance of Jesus Christ Himself with respect to primacy over the whole Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not by divine right a successor of Peter the Apostle in the matter of primacy,  let him be anathema.”

   “If anyone say that the Pope has only the office of over-seer or of manager,  but no the full and supreme rulership of sovereignty over the whole Church,  not only in matters of faith and morals,  but also in the matters of discipline and of government of the Church throughout the world,  or that this papal authority is not canonical and immediate,  not only in regard to each and every church,  but also in regard to each and every one of the pastors and of the faithful,  let him be anathema.”

Dialogues with the Papacy are wasteful, foolish and a betrayal of Orthodox dogmas. These official Vatican dogmas clearly show the papacy's real intentions, the capitulation and elimination of the Church founded by Christ– Holy Orthodoxy. Holy Scripture forbids dialogue with heretics. Outside of Orthodoxy is desolation and wilderness.

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